Selvol™ Premiol Product Information

Productivity, performance and cost control

Fluid loss control is one of the oil industry’s greatest concerns. It affects productivity, performance and cost — not to mention the environment and personal safety. Released in 2005, Selvol Premiol oil field performance products represented a new beginning for SEKISUI Specialty Chemicals in the oil industry.

Listening to the industry’s needs, SEKISUI Specialty Chemicals set out to tailor new solutions to address oil field challenges. Selvol Premiol is the apex of this research.

The industry currently uses the product primarily for cementing and drilling. However, Selvol Premiol offers a potentially broad range of applications for the oil field industry in downhole applications. These target areas include acidizing, stimulation, workover, water management and fracturing.

To garner laboratory and field data and deliver optimum performance and cost savings, in-house cementing and drilling fluid labs support Selvol Premiol research and development. Furthermore, staff at these labs include personnel thoroughly experienced in oil field applications.

Selvol polyvinyl alcohols (PVOHs) have numerous characteristics that make them useful in an array of applications. By choosing from the many available Selvol PVOH grades, you can obtain the performance properties needed for your specific applications. These properties include the following:

  • Water solubility
  • Abrasion resistance
  • Tensile strength
  • Adhesive and bonding properties
  • Grease or oil resistance
  • Film-forming qualities

Plus, our highly skilled technical service group can help you select your required Selvol Premiol PVOH grade.

Changes Occurring in the Properties of PVOH as the Degree of Hydrolysis and Molecular Weight Change


Viscosity/Concentration Relationships of Aqueous Selvol Premiol PVOH Solutions at 20%


Selvol Premiol PVOH Molecular Weight
Viscosity Viscosity Type Degree of Polymerization Weight Average Molecular Weight Range
3-4 cps Ultra Low 150-300 13,000-23,000
5-6 cps Low 350-650 31,000-50,000
22-30 cps Medium 1000-1500 85,000-124,000
45-72 cps High 1600-2200 146,000-186,000

Physical Properties

Selvol PVOH combines high tensile strength with easy film formation. Additionally, Selvol PVOH resins show excellent adhesive and bonding characteristics. Partially hydrolyzed grades adhere better to hydrophobic surfaces.

The degree of hydrolysis affects the water sensitivity of both the resin and the film. Moreover, water resistance increases as hydrolysis increases. You should use the super-hydrolyzed grades when you need maximum water resistance and humidity resistance.

Generally, greases, petroleum hydrocarbons and animal or vegetable oils do not affect Selvol™ PVOH resins. Resistance to organic solvents increases with the degree of hydrolysis.

Manufacturers can plasticize Selvol PVOH film with glycerol or lower molecular weight glycols. These materials usually act as humectants that hold water in the film.

Physical Properties of PVOH

Appearance White-to-cream granular powder
Bulk Density 40 lbs/cu ft
Specific Gravity — of solid — of 10 wt % solid at 25°C 1.27 – 1.311.02
Thermal Stability Gradual discoloration about 100°C; rapid darkening above 150°C; rapid decomposition above 200°C
Thermal Conductivity, W/(m•K)3 0.2
Electrical Resistivity, ohm•cm (3.1 – 3.8) x 107
Specific Heat, J/(g•K)b 1.5
Melting Point (unplasticized), °C 230 for fully hydrolyzed grades, 180-190 for partially hydrolyzed grades
Tg, °C (dry film) 75-85
Storage Stability (solid) Indefinite when protected from moisture
Flammability Burns similarly to paper
Stability to Sunlight Excellent

a.  To convert W/(m•K) to (Btu•in)/(h•ft2•F), divide by 0.1441.
b.  To convert J to cal, divide by 4.184.

Chemical Reactions

PVOH resins react in a manner similar to other secondary polyhydric alcohols. You can carry out PVOH esterification reactions with a number of compounds.

Importantly, a commercially significant reaction is the formation of tackified PVOH using boric acid or borax to form cyclicesters. This reaction is very sensitive to pH, and an insoluble gel forms above 4.5-5.0.

Other esterification reactions include the following:

  • Those with chloroformate esters to yield polyvinyl carbonate
  • Those with urea to yield a polymeric carbamate ester
  • Those with isocyanates to form substituted carbamate esters

Another commercially important reaction is acetalization with aldehydes. The reaction of PVOH with butyraldehyde produces polyvinyl butyral, which industries use to produce the inner adhesive film for safety glass. Industries can use its reaction with dialdehydes, such as glyoxal or gluteraldehyde, to crosslink PVOH. Other reactions include ethoxylation, propoxylation and cyanoethylation.

Packaging and Storage

Selvol Premiol PVOH products are available in several packages:

  • Granular/powder product in 25 KG, 500 KG and 1000 KG
  • Solutions product in 450-LB drums and 2250-LB totes
  • Other packaging types, depending on the product

For more information, please contact us.

Application and End Use Table for Textiles, Adhesives, Paper, Building Products and Specialty Products

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Typical Properties of Selvol Premiol PVOH Products

Selvol™ PVOH Grade Viscosity % Hydrolysis % Ash, Max
Super Hydrolyzed
125 28.0-32.0 99.3+ 1.20
165 62.0-72.0 99.3+ 1.20
Fully Hydrolyzed
103 3.5-4.5 98.0-98.8 1.20
107 5.5-6.5 98.0-98.8 1.20
310 9.0-11.0 98.0-98.8 1.20
325 28.0-32.0 98.0-98.8 1.20
325LA 28.0-32.0 98.0-98.8 0.60
350 62.0-72.0 98.0-98.8 1.20
Intermediately Hydrolyzed
418 14.5-19.5 91.0-93.0 0.90
425 27.0-31.0 95.5-96.5 0.90
443 53.0-63.0 92.0-94.0 0.90
Partially Hydrolyzed
502 3.0-3.7 87.0-89.0 0.90
203 3.5-4.5 87.0-89.0 0.90
504 4.0-5.0 87.0-89.0 0.70
205 5.2-6.2 87.0-89.0 0.70
513 13.0-15.0 87.0-89.0 0.70
518 17.5-20.5 87.0-89.0 0.70
523 23.0-27.0 87.0-89.0 0.50
540 45.0-55.0 87.0-89.0 0.50
Fine Particles (S-Grade)
165SF 62.0-72.0 99.3+ 1.20
203S 3.0-3.7 87.0-89.0 0.90
205S 3.5-4.5 87.0-89.0 0.70
513S 13.0-15.0 87.0-89.0 0.70
523S 23.0-27.0 87.0-89.0 0.50
540S 45.0-55.0 87.0-89.0 0.50
Specialty – Polymerization
805 5.2-6.2 87.0-89.0 0.70
818 17.0-21.0 87.0-89.0 0.70
823 23.0-27.0 87.0-89.0 0.50
830 29.0-35.0 87.0-89.0 0.50
840 45.0-55.0 87.0-89.0 0.50
Specialty – Textile
WS-724 13.0-24.0 91.0-95.5 1.20
WS-53NF 18.5-29.0 86.0-90.0 1.20
Specialty – Tackified
PH Viscosity Viscosity
MM51 4.4-4.9 1100-1500 1100-1500
MM81 4.4-4.9 1300-1700 1300-1700
MH82 4.4-4.9 4200-5900 4200-5900
Selvol™ PVOH Solutions
Solution Base Grade % Solids Viscosity
08-125 125 7.0-8.0 100-1300
15-103 103 14.5-15.5 50-500
09-325 325 8.0-9.0 200-1300
09-523 523 8.5-9.5 250-1300
05-540 540 4.75-5.25 50-300
21-205 205 20.0-22.0 800-1300
24-203 203 23.0-25.0 250-1300

For most applications, you must dissolve Selvol PVOHs in water before use. Under the right conditions, S-grades may be more cold water processable, but you must cook all other grades.

We recommend the following procedure:

  • Disperse Selvol PVOHs in cold or room-temperature water, using sufficient agitation to wet out all particles with water.
  • Ensure the surface of the water is moving vigorously, as a general rule.

Addition rates, solids and cook-out temperatures vary by PVOH grade, as illustrated below. For the best results, do not exceed maximum solids. Elevate the solution temperature to the recommended levels (185-205°F/85-96°C). Then, hold for 30 minutes.

Selvol PVOHs are in solution after cooking, and you can use them at any temperature.

Although the cooking process is straightforward, please be aware of these pitfalls:

  • All tanks and lines must be free of borax to avoid coagulation.
  • Tanks should have baffles and flush bottom valves to avoid dead spots where PVOH can agglomerate.
  • Not reaching the minimum temperature results in undissolved PVOH, no matter how long you cook it.
  • You cannot overcook Selvol PVOHs. However, boiling induces foam.
  • Avoid high-speed, small-diameter mixers. These agitators do not provide adequate mixing and tend to entrain air.
  • If you use a defoamer, it is best to add the defoamer before adding the PVOH to the water. You do not need a defoamer with Selvol PVOHs 805, 823 and 840.
  • If you keep solutions for longer than 24 hours, we recommend adding a biocide.
  • You can jet-cook Selvol PVOHs. Unlike starch, which explodes in a steam jet, Selvol PVOHs dissolve by shedding layers. Maximizing time in the jet and providing a holding tank for the PVOH solution after the jet (where you can hold solutions for a minimum of 15 minutes) ensure complete solubility.
Selvol™ PVOH Grade Addition Rate Maximum Recommended Solids Minimum Cook-Out Temperature
103 10 sec/bag 30% 200°F (93°C)
107 10 sec/bag 20% 200°F (93°C)
310 10 sec/bag 15% 200°F (93°C)
125 10 sec/bag 10% 200°F (93°C)
325 10 sec/bag 10% 200°F (93°C)
165 10 sec/bag 7% 200°F (93°C)
350 10 sec/bag 7% 200°F (93°C)
WS-724 1 min/bag 15% 195°F (91°C)
WS-53NF 1 min/bag 10% 185°F (85°C)
418 1 min/bag 12% 195°F (91°C)
425 1 min/bag 10% 195°F (91°C)
443 1 min/bag 7% 195°F (91°C)
203 2 min/bag 30% 185°F (85°C)
502 2 min/bag 30% 185°F (85°C)
205 2 min/bag 20% 185°F (85°C)
805 2 min/bag 20% 185°F (85°C)
513 2 min/bag 15% 185°F (85°C)
523 2 min/bag 10% 185°F (85°C)
823 2 min/bag 10% 185°F (85°C)
540 2 min/bag 7% 185°F (85°C)
840 2 min/bag 7% 185°F (85°C)
504 2 min/bag 30% 185°F (85°C)
518 2 min/bag 15% 185°F (85°C)
Recommended Additives for PVOH*
Type Brand or Generic Name Manufacturer Suggested
Use Level
Crosslinkers Bacote-20
Magnesium Elektron, Ltd.
2 – 10% d/d
5 – 15% d/d
5 – 10% d/d
Defoamers Antifoam 116
DF 132
< 1% d/d
< 1% d/d
Biocides Kathon LX
Dow Chemical
Dow Chemical
< 50 ppm
1000-2000 ppm
Plasticizers Glycerine
Ethylene glycol


*Note: You should verify the FDA compliance status of a recommended additive with its respective manufacturer.

Please refer to your Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for information on the safe use and handling of Selvol PVOHs, including toxicity, fire and explosion hazards and environmental effects. You can obtain an MSDS online here: MSDS.

SEKISUI Specialty Chemicals has an Intimate Human Contact (IHC) policy in effect. This policy restricts the use of Selvol PVOH in applications involving ingestion or contact with human mucous membranes.

Please contact us for more information.

FDA Compliance

Industries use PVOH in many food contact applications, including food packaging adhesives and paper and paperboard coatings. For more specific information on the FDA status of any of our PVOH grades, please contact our Technical Services.

Selvol™ PVOH Right to Know Information

Ingredient CAS Number
Polyvinyl Alcohol
— Super and Fully Hydrolyzed 9002-89-5
— Partially and Intermediately Hydrolyzed 25213-24-5
Water 7732-18-5
Methanol 67-56-1
Sodium Acetate 127-09-3

Product Lines

Three distinct product lines represent three major technology initiatives by SEKISUI Specialty Chemicals in the oil field industry. These include the following:

Selvol Premiol DWC

High-temperature performance fluid loss control additive

Selvol Premiol MRC

Versatile, midrange temperature fluid loss control additive

Selvol Premiol LTC

Cost-effective low-temperature fluid loss control additive

NEW Selvol™ Premiol SGC

New fluid loss control additive (optimal for shallow cementing sites)

Learn more about Premiol SGC.

Today, SEKISUI Specialty Chemicals offers three new products for fluid loss control in cementing operations.

Selvol Premiol DWC-50

High-performance, mid- to high-range temperature technology

Selvol Premiol DWC-50 is a powder-form fluid loss control additive for deep well applications. It delivers high temperature performance (up to 150ºC) at cost levels below traditional high molecular weight polymers. Additionally, this advanced additive demonstrates excellent, cost-effective performance at low temperatures (50ºC to 60ºC).

With a single product that functions across a wide range of conditions, the oil field service industry can consolidate fluid loss control product inventories.

Contact us for more information about Selvol Premiol DWC-50.

Selvol Premiol DWC-50

High-performance, mid- to high-range temperature technology

Selvol Premiol DWC-50 is a powder-form fluid loss control additive for deep well applications. It delivers high temperature performance (up to 150ºC) at cost levels below traditional high molecular weight polymers. Moreover, this advanced additive demonstrates excellent, cost-effective performance at low temperatures (50ºC to 60ºC). With a single product that functions across a wide range of conditions, the oil field service industry can consolidate fluid loss control product inventories.

Contact us for more information about Selvol Premiol DWC-50.

Selvol Premiol™ PVOH Grade Viscosity % Hydrolysis % Ash, Max
Fully Hydrolyzed
E103 3.5-4.5 98.0-98.8 1.2
E305 4.5-5.5 98.0-98.8 1.2
E107 5.5-6.6 98.0-98.8 1.2
E310 9.0-11.0 98.0-98.8 1.2
E325 28.0-32.0 98.0-98.8 1.2
Partially Hydrolyzed
E203 3.5-4.5 87.0-89.0 0.9
E04 / 88LA 4.0-5.0 87.0-89.0 0.9
E05 / 88LA 5.0-6.0 87.0-89.0 0.7
E205 5.2-6.2 87.0-89.0 0.7
E08/88 7.0-9.0 87.0-89.0 0.7
E523 23.0-27.0 87.0-89.0 0.5
Fine Particle (S-Grade)
E203S 3.5-4.5 87.0-89.0 0.9
E205S 5.2-6.2 87.0-89.0 0.7
E523S 23.0-27.0 87.0-89.0 0.5
Selvol™ E PVOH Applications E 103 E 305 E 107 E 310 E 325 E 203 E 04 / 88LA E 05 / 88LA E 205 E 08 / 88 E 523
PVAc emulsion for wood, paper, packaging, building
Remoistenable adhesives
Water resistance, board laminating, winding, sealing
Surface sizing
Pigment coating
Release paper
Thermal paper
Anti-grease treatment
Cotton yarn sizing
Spun yarn sizing, rayon
Spun yarn sizing, synthetic
Filament yarn sizing
Other Applications
Ceramic binder & aoating
Mould release polyester/silicone
Temporary binder/powder
PVC polymerization
PVC production
Water-soluble films

Selvol™ Premiol DWC-50

High-performance, mid- to high-range temperature technology

Selvol Premiol DWC-50 is a powder-form fluid loss control additive for deep well applications. It delivers high temperature performance (up to 150ºC) at cost levels below traditional high molecular weight polymers. Additionally, this advanced additive demonstrates excellent, cost-effective performance at low temperatures (50ºC to 60ºC). With a single product that functions across a wide range of conditions, the oilfield service industry can consolidate fluid loss control product inventories.

Learn more about Selvol Premiol DWC-50.

Selvol™ Premiol MRC-33

Predictable performance, great economics

Selvol Premiol MRC-33 is a powder-form fluid loss control additive for midrange temperatures in oil field cement applications. At temperatures between 75ºC and 120ºC, this product provides the desired fluid loss and preferred, low surface rheology without settling. These benefits give the oil field industry a cost-effective alternative to current polymer technologies.

Learn more about Selvol Premiol MRC-33.

Selvol™ Premiol LTC-90

Time-tested dependability

Selvol Premiol LTC-90 is a medium-range temperature powder-form fluid loss additive for use in a variety of oil field cement applications. It provides excellent fluid loss benefits at temperatures up to 100ºC. Compared to competitors’ products, it is more cost-effective in this temperature range.

Learn more about Selvol Premiol LTC-90.

Selvol™ Premiol SGC-70

Latest offering, proven efficiency

Selvol Premiol SGC- 70 is a mid- to high-range temperature, powder-form fluid loss additive for use in a variety of oil field cement applications. It is an environmentally friendly fluid loss control agent with low surface rheology. Furthermore, it resists settling and is compatible with other additives.

Sekisui’s Main Products

Selvol Polyvinyl Alcohol
Selvol Ultalux
Selvol Premiol
Selvol Ultiloc
Advasol Advanced Solubility, Advanced Solutions.
S-LEC B/K Polyvinyl Acetal Resins
Advancell Thermo-Expandable Microspheres