Monthly Archives: August 2015

2 Examples of Oil & Gas Resistant, Barrier Polyvinyl Alcohol

Paper manufacturers are looking for new end uses for coated or treated paper. One area of progress is food packaging; particularly packaging that provides some level of oil and grease resistance. Selvol polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) is an extremely hydrophilic polymer, and as a continuous film, exhibits total barrier properties to oil, grease, and most organic solvents.


Improving the Performance of Pore Cleansing Masks and Strips with Selvol Ultalux AD and Polyvinyl Alcohol

Polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) is one of the most commonly used film formers in personal care products. A quick search of the Good Guide database ( reveals that over 800 different products contain polyvinyl alcohol including mascaras, concealers, masks and peels, foundation


Sekisui Specialty Chemicals

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